Riding Solo


Sometimes I wish bar tending wasn’t so socially draining. As an introvert incognito, I seem outgoing and socially competent. However, I need more quiet downtime than the average 30-something. And because I spend 5-6 shifts each week making small talk with strangers, I seek solace during my free time.  Bearing this in mind, I usually ride the chairlift that is less popular on this mountain so that I can ride solo, contemplate life while listening to my playlist du jour, and occasionally tap out blog entries that are twitching in my fingers.

But today I was forced to sit next to a talker. It’s a Sunday so, per my normal weekend/holiday routine, I waited until lunch time to hit the slopes (the thought being that I’ll get in a a few runs while everyone else is eating indoors somewhere). Apparently the main lift had been having problems and since it is directly adjacent to my unpopular lift, some traffic was opting to detour onto my secret fast tack up the mountain.

The guy who partnered up to me looked less harmless than normal. Good skiis and a somewhat used jacket/ski pants combo usually means a local, or at least someone who goes out enough that you can have a meaningful conversation about a mutually interesting topic and not just a repeat of what I do, how long I’ve done it, and where I’m from. I understand the appeal of this conversation, but I tend to expound upon these topics at least 4 times per day, 5 days per week. I love my life and the narrative I’ve created for myself; but remember, I’m a closeted introvert.

So this guy proved my theory about appearances right and my strategy of shunning chairlift conversation wrong. He got the “local skier” confirmation out of the way from the beginning. And then we could engage in authentic conversation. Turns out he’s a former civil engineer who, after the recession reduced the number of positions in his field, turned to the outdoor gear industry and is currently working in cycling. PERFECT, I asked about my road bike’s problematic derailleur and got a few hints about which local dealers are the most reputable.

Maybe chairlift conversations aren’t THAT bad… But I’m not gonna hold my breath on that and will likely still be found (or hopefully not found)  solo on my secret seat in the sky.

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